Michael Peck
Advisor - The Virtuous Cycle Collaboratory

Michael A Peck

Michael co-founded and serves as the executive director of the non-profit 1worker1vote (www.1worker1vote.org) movement (New York 2015), focusing on hybrid shared worker ownership models starting with the union-coop template.   Principal ecosystems include Cincinnati (www.coopcincy.org)  and Dayton (www.coopdayton.org), Ohio, with emerging ones in Central Brooklyn, Albuquerque, New Mexico, and elsewhere.

Michael served for close to two decades as the International Delegate (USA) for the Mondragón Co-operative Corporation(‘MONDRAGON’,1999 –2019, www.mondragon-corporation.com), and serves (for the past decade) as board secretary (https://www.asbcouncil.org/profile/michael-peck-secretary-0) of the American Sustainable Business Council (www.asbcouncil.org), as a Blue Green Alliance corporate advisory board member (www.bluegreenalliance.org) since its start in 2006, and beginning in 2020 chairs the union-coop worX board (www.worxpriting.coop).

For seven years (2013-2019),  Michael collaborated with Harvard Business School (and Harvard University) Professor, Rebecca Henderson, focused on her acclaimed “Reimagining Capitalism” classes for second year students, addressing four of those classes annually.  Many of Rebecca’s second year students volunteered for 1worker1vote projects in Cincinnati (www.coopcincy.org)   This collaboration was centered on Rebecca’s 2015 HBS business case study, “1worker1vote and Mondragon in the USA” (link below)  (see ‘publications’ in http://1worker1vote.org/the-1worker1vote-movements-2020-annual-report-summary/ for references to Rebecca’s April 2020 book, “Reimagining Capitalism In A World On Fire”, Hachette; and to Sara Horowitz’s February 2021 book, “Mutualism: Building The Next Economy From The Ground Up”, Random House).

In April 2020,  Michael co-founded his second company, The Virtuous Cycle Collaboratory (tvc2), a majority-minority worker-cooperative that aligns with purpose-driven and profit-seeking social enterprises and social enterprise ecosystems to build the emerging Stakeholder Economy.

On December 12th, 2020, Michael helped to  enable the announcement by Social Economy Europe (SEE – www.socialeconomy.eu.org) and the American Sustainable Business Council (ASBC – www.asbcouncil.org) to launch their transatlantic mission collaboration partnership on Saturday, December 12th, in support of the Paris Accord fifth anniversary. The SEE-ASBC Memorandum of Understanding convenes the EU’s 2.8 million social enterprises with ASBC’s 250,000+ triple bottom-line USA businesses and business organizations to lift up and channel the voices of  a purpose and mission-driven transatlantic business community with over 3.1 million members to drive global sustainability practices and policies reimagining a “Build It Back Fairer” stakeholder economy capitalism.

Michael founded and led the MAPA Group consultancy (1994-2019) that outlined a recognized triangular business development approach to the “Iberoamerican Marketplace” involving best practice, mostly cross-border commercial energy sector opportunities between the Iberian Peninsula (mostly Spain), Latin America Caribbean (LAC) and the United States.  For twenty-five years,  major Spain-based multinationals collaborating with MAPA in various projects for five years or more and often over a decade included: Iberdrola Diversification and Iberdrola Renewables, La Caixa, Gamesa, Mondragon, Repsol, Gas Natural, Telefonica, and Isofoton through Grupo Berge, together with start-ups that MAPA helped to launch such as the Barcelona Digital Foundation in 2003.  Today Spain is the 11th largest investor in the United States, based on country of ultimate ownership and one of the largest investors in the U.S. energy sector.

Prior to founding his first company in 1994, Michael served as a naval officer on active duty overseas from 1976 – 83, winning the Commander, U.S. Naval Forces Europe Leadership award in 1981 while posted as the U.S. exchange officer at France’s Naval Academy, and completing twenty years of service as a Commander in the Naval Reserves in 1996.

Michael served as a defense and economic development legislative assistant to the U.S. Senate Majority Leader (1984-86), as executive assistant (1986-88) to the President of the BDM Corporation (who held concurrent positions as Virginia’s Council of Higher Education chair and co-chaired the national Democratic Party Business and Finance Councils up through the 1992 presidential elections), and as a senior vice president for corporate business development at SAIC (1988-94), then the nation’s largest employee-owned, applied R&D company with its own internal stock market.

Michael holds degrees from Rice University (1976) and the Johns Hopkins University Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS – 1985) and studied as a Schlumberger foundation award recipient at the Sorbonne and the Institute of Political Science in Paris, France (1974-75).

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